Nature's way

The audience

Life is short

She likes a gentleman who knows when not to be gentle

Time doesn't heal anything, it just teaches us how to live with the pain

Don't find customers for your product. Find products for your customers

No one is perfect, that's why pencils have erasers

We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them

One who loves you, loves you with your dirt

Family recipe

Free yourself

Be fearless in the pursuit of what set your soul on fire

Of course, light has no shadow

The lust for comfort murders the passions of the soul

If you want to make everyone happy....

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win

We spend billions of dollars looking for life on other planets and trillions of dollars killing the life on this one

You have been planted

Sometimes when you are in a dark place, you think you have been buried, but actually you have been planted

Two options

When nothing goes right, go left

Some things are better left unsaid..

There are two reasons why we don't trust people...

Eyes are useless when the mind is blind

Ambition is the first step to success

Just smile and say I'm fine

Be the same person privately, publicly, and personally

Messi right now

Drinking stages....

Life is so much easier with a sense of humor