Your are free to choose, but you are not free from the consequences of your choice

Your are free to choose, but you are not free from the consequences of your choice

A Friend for life or a lesson for life.

When you completely trust a person, without any doubt, you will automatically get one of the two results. a Friend for life or a lesson for life.

''First of all

If a woman says, ''First of all'' during an arguement, runaway because she has prepared research, data, charts and will destroy you.

Don't confuse the truth with the opinion of majority

Don't confuse the truth with the opinion of majority

We can't choose our lives,

We can't choose our lives, but we can decide what to do with the joys or griefs we are given

How to be happy?

Ignore people who think they know more about you than you do.

Its about what you are made of, not the circumstances

The same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg. Its about what you are made of, not the circumstances

Your problem

Your problem is not the problem. Your reaction is the problem

Being single

Being single is better than being in a relationship with someone who fills your heart with doubt

Connecting with friends

Believe in yourself

Never believe what the lines of your hand predict about your future, because people who don't have hands also have a future...Believe in yourself

Being a good person ...

Being a good person doesn't depend on your religion, status in life, skin color, political views or culture. It depends on how you treat others.

When I die....

When I die, dont come to my grave to tell me how much you love and how much you miss me, because those are the words I want to hear while Im still alive

In the battle between sleep and study, the internet always wins

 In the battle between sleep and study, the internet always wins